Video Transcript
Hello, everybody. How was your Tuesday? I am excited, I just got back from a designer connection here in Grand Rapids. So, super pumped to meet other designers in the area. I am Becky, owner of Lykke Haven Design which is a purpose-driven interior design company here in Grand Rapids. I have dove into what Lykke Haven means yesterday, but today, I kind of wanted to shift focus a little bit and help you understand who I am. I know we just met so I wanted to get to know you better, but before I feel like I can do that, you should get to know me better. I wanted to give a little bit more information on who I am and what's my background in, as it's not your typical designer. I am just going to be super open and vulnerable with you guys (not super excited to do this clip) but I feel like it's really important to start building the trusting relationships that design. So, let's just dive right in and get personal. My husband and I have been married for 12 years now. We have four beautiful girls ranging in ages 9 to two and a half. So, we have a busy household but we really like to try to keep it simple. We are involved in things but I really love to be a homebody with them and play you know, board games when we can and the two and a half year old is asleep or just being with each other and playing or I have totally got them addicted to Full House recently, so that has been been a fun adventure with them. We do homeschool the older too. So our nine and seven year old. And that has been going fantastic. So any other homeschoolers out there I would love to connect with you on curriculums or play dates. We've been doing it for two years now and we don't see any end in sight quite yet but each new year brings new surprises, new way of looking at life so this is where we are right now and we're pretty excited. As far as my hobbies, when I do get some time, I like to just be with my family. I love to connect with people over coffee or tea. I love the thought of doing yoga, it's just finding the time to do that. So, whether it's having a friend of mine come over and doing it at our house or grabbing some hot yoga at the Twisted Hot Yoga Studio are just some of the things I like to do. I like to take hikes with the family. We're able to take more of them now that the two and a half year old is getting around a lot better than she was even last year, so we are looking forward to hikes in the in the summertime. And we love trying new food. So, whether it's going to the Farmers Market and cooking something new or trying out a new restaurant in Grand Rapids, there are so many great ones. So, if you have one that you love, DM me. I love to try anything new. There's so many choices. So, we never go to the same restaurant more than twice probably here. These are just some fun adventures that we get to have! Other things, I love to read non-fiction books whether it's a book about being a mom, a Self-reflection book, a leadership book, how to run your own company and Interior Design Book. I love to just gather all that information in and just reflect on how I can use the information and one of the fun things I've been learning for a few years now is the Enneagram. So, I love talking Enneagram if there are any other fans out here. DM me. Let's get the conversation going. I am a true type 9 on the enneagram with a wing one which is the organizer side of me and if you have not checked out Top Knot Comedy I love to check out their videos. They're hilarious on YouTube, all about the enneagram and it's just a fun way to to relax. So that is a little bit on the personal side would love to hear more about you send me a DM. On the professional side, like I said I came into interior design a little bit differently. I wanted to be an interior designer by like age eight. I would graph out my room on graph paper, cut up a little furniture, move them around and change up my room quite often. So, I knew it was something I wanted to do eventually but my path kind of took me a different way and I went to Michigan Tech to become a mechanical engineer. So, interior designer, mechanical engineer, quite different but it has served me really well. So, I went to corporate world. I was at General Motors for about five years. I worked on the Chevy Volt ever since kind of the inception and through launch. I was the lead hybrid engineer. Great experiences, great people over there. I went in and out of the Hamtramck plant quite often and it was just a really fun time in my life, but traveled a lot. So, moved to the west side when we got married to settle down. I was born and bred here. I grew up in Lowell and now live still in the Grand Rapids area and just had to get back to my roots when we decided to start our family. I've was a consultant engineer and project manager over at Disher in Zeeland for 10 and a half years. I worked on advanced product development, so the prototyping side of things, the really early stages of product development using Human Center Design and just loved it. I loved the thought of what does it look like to be empathetic to the user and how how do we create a product that solves a problem for them. And in fact, I even bring those processes into my interior design company and we'll get more into that in a few weeks about what that looks like because you don't normally hear of product development world and then the design world for interior design coming together but they are such a great kind of mirror of each other and I have enjoyed bringing that side into my business. I love to read but I'm also a constant learner. So, I have my bachelors in mechanical engineering from Michigan Tech. I have my MBA from Wayne State while I was over on that side of the state. I have my professional project management certificate as well, my PMP and then also a scrum master certified, if you're familiar with any of those terms. It's just how you can move work across in an agile way. And then I recently just got my certificate in Interior Design from New York Institute of Art and Design. So, like I said, I'm a constant learner or maybe addicted to learning a little too much but I love to bring in the information and just kind of decipher how am I going to use this? How is this going to help me solve problems? Maybe a little bit differently than your typical person. So, I really like to have the right side and the left side of my brain working together to just create products for people to connect with people, it's something I've always been very passionate about, bringing people together in a very intentional way. In fact that's a word that's come up a lot in my history both professionally and in the personal world just being super intentional whether it's with our Christmas parties that we'll have and how we design those and how we make sure everyone feels involved in the different activity we have and connecting it to a non-profit mission and we're we're serving together during those events. To intentionally using my skills and project management and how can I bring a product to life for the customer and what I used to do in the corporate world and now it's carried over into how can I intentionally create a room for this specific client and how can I connect with them on a relationship basis as well because they're not just a client to me. I really like to get to know my clients well and that they can fully know me as well on a more personal level. I'm very intentional with where I want to bring Lykke Haven, what my vision is for it and where I want it to go and how I run my processes very intentional. And through the personal life and the professional life that I have and I just wanted to come on here live and share that you guys. Just be open, share who I am, because I think that's the first step at building a great relationship together. I would love to hear more about you. Please send me a DM. If there's anything that has connected us. I would love to get to know you even better because when we can connect as a community, it just means so much more and I'm trying to build this different way of thinking about Interior Design that it's more than just a community. I would love to build a movement with you guys and how to look at our spaces maybe a little bit differently and bring in like I said, both the left and right side and bringing purpose into our spaces. So, I would love for you to join me tomorrow. We're going to be diving more into that. Why do our spaces matter in the first place and we'll start talking about that even through some data because like I said, I'm an engineer. So, I love data. We'll bring in some data of why your space actually does matter and how it affects you. I look forward to chatting with you more tomorrow at 1 PM if you're able to catch it live. Otherwise, I do post these replays on all my social feeds. So, we have Instagram and Facebook and LinkedIn and then, we'll be also getting them up on Pinterest after a while along with my website. So, if you ever want to check out my website is this Message me there and I look forward to getting to know you better. Feel free to ask me any questions. Let's set up a coffee and we'll chat tomorrow, 1 PM or catch the replay. I look forward to it then. See you guys.

Lykke Haven Design is a full service, purpose-driven interior design firm serving clients in West Michigan. We work with clients from Ada, to Grand Rapids, to Holland (and the occasional out of state). Our mission is to create Intentional Interiors curated with a Meaningful Mission that Cultivate Connection. We do this through a process driven by Human-Centered Design. We would love to discuss your next project and how we can help.
Please check out our services to learn more!